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Bankruptcy manager Malysheva Tatyana Nikolaevna. Narrative of personal experience

Deputy Chairman of the FKR KIM for the state final certification

in Russian FGBNU "FIPI"

Exam Format

1. Conversation with the teacher

2. Work in pairs

3. Computer

General approaches:

· Communicative approach

· Unprepared speech

Monologue + dialogue

Description, narration, reasoning

· Expressive reading aloud

Expressive reading aloud

Exercise 1.Read the text aloud expressively. You have 1.5 minutes to prepare.

An excerpt from the book by Ivan Sergeevich Sokolov - Mikitov "Sounds of the Earth"

Listen carefully, standing in a forest or among an awakened flowering field, and if you have retained a sensitive ear, you will certainly hear the wonderful sounds of the earth, which at all times people have so affectionately called mother earth. The sounds of the earth are precious. It is probably impossible to list them. They replace our music.

I recall with joy the sounds of the earth that once captivated me as a child. And isn’t the best thing left in my soul from those times? I remember the forest mysterious sounds, the breath of the awakened native land. And now they excite and delight me. In the silence of the night, I hear the breath of the earth even more clearly, the rustling of a leaf over a fresh mushroom that has risen from the ground, the fluttering of light night butterflies, the cock crow in the nearest village.

And how good, unforgettable every new morning! Even before sunrise, the birds wake up and begin to sing joyfully. The awakened forest is full of life! In nature, there is nothing more musical than the coming early morning. Streams ring even more silvery, forest herbs smell more fragrant, and their aroma wonderfully merges with the musical symphony of the morning.

Criteria for assessing expressive reading

Expressiveness of speech

Correctness of speech (Compliance of speech with language norms)

Speech is correct (corresponds to language norms): there is no distortion of words (or 1 mistake is made), the stress in words is correct (or 1 mistake is made). Intonation conveys the punctuation of the text (or 1 mistake was made). The pace of reading is high. 2

Speech is correct (corresponds to language norms), but there is a distortion of words (2-3 errors were made), and/or 2-3 mistakes were made in the statement of stress, and/or intonation as a whole conveys the punctuation of the text, but 2-3 errors were made. The pace of reading is high. 1

Speech contains significant errors (partially complies with language norms): there is a distortion of words (more than 3 errors), more than 3 errors were made in the placement of stress. The intonation inaccurately conveys the punctuation of the text (more than 3 errors were made). The pace of reading is low.. Understanding speech is difficult. 0

Maximum amount points for the whole task - 3

monologue. Monologue conversation

Task 2.You have 1.5 minutes to prepare. Your statement should not take more than 2 minutes.

1. Describe the photo.

2. Tell us about your most memorable visit to the museum.

Don't forget to tell

what museum were you in;

when and with whom;

what did you see;

What do you like and remember the most.

Conversation Questions (Teacher Card)

1. Which museums do you like more: history, art, science and technology or natural science?

2. In your opinion, should schoolchildren visit museums? Why?

3. Have you heard about virtual museums? What opportunities do you think they have?

Criteria for evaluating a monologue statement with an element of dialogue

Photo Description

The examinee coped with the communicative task - he described the photo. There are no actual errors. 2

The examinee coped with the communicative task - described the photograph, but 1

The examinee did not cope with the communicative task - he was unable to describe the photo, or 0

Narrative of personal experience

The examinee coped with the communicative task - he spoke about his personal life experience. There are no actual errors. 2

The examinee coped with the communicative task - he spoke about his personal life experience, but The topic has not been fully covered. There are no actual errors. 1

The examinee did not cope with the communicative task - he was unable to talk about his personal life experience, or made factual errors, including in the choice of the type of speech. 0

Semantic wholeness

The statement is characterized by semantic integrity, speech coherence and consistency of presentation: there are no logical errors, the sequence of presentation is not broken. 2

The statement is characterized by semantic integrity, speech coherence and consistency of presentation, but there are logical errors (no more than 2). 1

The statement is illogical, the presentation is inconsistent. There are logical errors (more than 2). Communicative intent is difficult to understand. 0

Teacher website

Profession: teacher

Professional interests: computer science, classroom management

Hobbies: hiking in the native land, forest, mushrooms

Region: Komi Republic

Locality: Sosnogorsk

Place of work: MBOU secondary school №5

The road will be mastered by the walking ...

About myself

Position Teacher of Mathematics and Informatics
Education Komi State Pedagogical Institute, graduated in 1977, majoring in mathematics, qualification teacher of mathematics in a secondary school
Total work experience 34 years
Pedagogical experience 34 years
Pedagogical experience in this educational institution: 25 years
Scholars and honorary titles:
Honorary diploma of the Republic of Komi, 09.08.2011
Diploma of the Head of the municipal district "Sosnogorsk", First Deputy Secretary of Komi regional office All-Russian political party « United Russia”for the victory in the municipal competition “Vocation” in the nomination “Russia is famous for teachers, students bring glory to them”, 2010.
Honorary Worker general education Russian Federation, 25.08.2000
Honorary diploma of the Ministry of Nationalities of the Republic of Komi, 28.02.2000
Honorary diploma of the Ministry of Education and Higher School of the Komi Republic, 07/09/1996

educating personal qualities in my lessons, developing general educational skills, I remember that the leading role in the formation of algorithmic thinking, in educating the ability to act according to a given algorithm and design new ones belongs to mathematics. In the course of solving various problems - the main learning activities in the classroom of mathematics, the creative and applied aspects of thinking are developed.
In order to develop students' interest in the study of mathematics, I conduct a variety of extracurricular activities. For the formation of deep and solid knowledge, I conduct classes in circles - discussions about scientific problems, solutions non-standard tasks increased difficulty, development of creative and research work, compiling mathematical crosswords, rebuses, publishing wall newspapers, preparing for weeks of mathematics, for exams. There is a math camp for students. She was one of the organizers of the NIOUiU school. The number of students annually involved in extracurricular activities in the subject is increasing.
Contributing to the improvement of mathematical and information culture I instill skills independent work, develop an interest in the study of subjects and Creative skills students through extracurricular activities. I get positive results from extracurricular activities, I have formed a system of work, I myself am passionate about my subjects and fascinate my students with this. I lead a circle in the 5th grade, a special course in computer science in the 6th grade, classes on project activities in the 7th grade, an elective course in mathematics in the 8th grade, and an elective course in the 9th grade.
Over the years of work, a program of extracurricular activities has been created. Extracurricular activities are carried out on the basis of the plan extracurricular activities on the subject, justified and systematic, has a variety of, including innovative forms.

My view of the world

I love people, I believe in them. Human view of the world. I love World.

All educational and educational work is aimed at raising sociable, morally mature and developed people who are able to find their place in life. In this regard, I set myself the task of theoretically substantiating and practically implementing such training that would ensure the formation of individuals with high spiritual needs and developed cognitive abilities.

My achievements

The results of the participation of my students in events on the tasks of all-Russian and international competitions (code OU 11012005). Students are winners and prize-winners of all-Russian and international competitions and competitions. In the competition "KIT - computers, informatics, technologies": from 2009 to 2011 winners and prize-winners in the region - 5 places. In the competition "Infoknow": from 2009 to 2011 winners and prize-winners in the region - 11 places. In the competition "Kangaroo" from 2006 to 2011, winners and prize-winners among my students in the district - 9 places, in the republic - 3 places:
Level 2004, 5th grade 2005, 6th grade 2006,
7th grade 2007,
8th grade 2008,
9th grade 2009,
Grade 10
Places by school I; II; III I; II; III I; II; III I; II; III I; II; III I; II; III
Locations by District I; II I; 5 I; II I; II; III I; II; III I; four
Places in RK I III I; III 18 I 29
A student, a graduate of 2006, Alexander Galinov, a participant in the computer circle I conduct, a prize-winner of conferences, a winner of Olympiads, was awarded a diploma of II degree at the All-Russian Olympiad in Petrozavodsk by the organizing committee and the jury of the IV (federal district) stage of the Olympiad in Informatics (Reg. No. 9), participant final stage in Kislovodsk (UZE series No. 007546), graduated from Moscow State University in 2011, entered graduate school at Moscow State University.
Students are winners and prize-winners of all-Russian and international competitions and competitions.
The development of self-education skills is the main condition and task school education. In the process of learning, already in the middle level, they learn to independently plan questions on topics, complete assignments, analyze and evaluate the results of activities in separate lessons on topics, and in high school, students should work mostly independently. This is facilitated by modern educational technologies.
I use presentations, Internet resources, electronic textbooks and tutors not to report on the use of ICT, but to improve the explanation in the lesson. I set the task to form students' understanding of Web 2.0 social services and the possibilities of their use in school practice. I solve the problem of expanding visibility: multimedia tutorials, training programs, simulators, films, computer presentations. When teaching, I use remote forms of work: interactive tests in preparation for the Unified State Examination, diagnostic work in the StatGrad system (the school is responsible for receiving control materials and report forms and sending electronic reports on work), homework, preparation for control work, classes with long-term ill children, tasks during quarantine and activated days. For high-quality preparation for tests, for intermediate certification for students who study in the form of an external student, I recommend sites where you can find tests, textbooks in in electronic format. For parents whose children study in the form of an external student, I recommend the materials of the site
I use innovative forms of ICT to use information posted on educational and scientific Internet sites (Web sites), to prepare materials for lessons, for abstracts and messages; to represent the school on the Internet; to create websites for teachers, students. To improve the efficiency of training schoolchildren in the classroom, I organize the search for the necessary information resources. To promptly provide teachers who study with timely and reliable information, I propose algorithms for finding information on the Internet, and introduce search catalogs. For self-education and self-acquisition of knowledge, I show the forms of students' activities and methods of obtaining knowledge by means of the Internet. In order to measure, evaluate and predict the effectiveness of education, compare it with the requirements of the state educational standard, I organize on-line testing of high school students in mathematics and computer science. All students and their parents know the address of my site.
I use Digital Educational Resources: electronic learning tools, tool and application programs, informational resources Internet. In my practice, DER has been used: 1) as an electronic manual, which I use directly when explaining new material, while consolidating what has already been covered (ie, in a lecture lesson); 2) performance by students of independent work (homework, tests). All materials of the educational complex can be useful here: animation, video, sound, interactive components, drawings, tables, graphs, diagrams and even simple texts. With this method of using EUK and DER, students develop an interest in the subject, it becomes possible to feel like young researchers; 3) during the current control of students' knowledge and the level of assimilation of the material by them; 4) a data bank on the DER on the issues of interest was created; 5) when performing laboratory work and group classes; 6) I use DER as simulators; 7) if necessary (quarantine, activated day), I use DER as a form of distance education.
I have been one of the authors of school informatization programs since 1996.

I believe that the activity of a modern teacher is impossible without the use of modern educational technologies. Therefore, a special place in my work is occupied by the study and implementation of advanced learning technologies in the educational process. Pedagogical creativity most often it consists in the fact that the teacher experiences what others have already experienced, but in relation to the conditions of his school, taking into account the characteristics of a particular team and each child individually. He carefully “sifts” everything accumulated by science, selecting what helps to achieve best results. I studied the following technologies: project-based teaching methods, research methods, interactive, technology of leveled learning, reading the text of the task for the development of critical thinking, problem-based teaching, Information Technology. Elements of the above technologies are being introduced by me into the educational process.

My portfolio

The road will be mastered by the walking ...

With my pedagogy and experience, I solve the main thing - I bring up consciousness, organization, independence, patience, indulgence in teenagers, as these qualities will make a conscientious worker in the future adult who knows how to make decisions and perform tasks, to be a sociable, responsible, kind and sensitive person .

Class achievement is the result of each student's work. The achievement of an individual student is the result of a purposeful individual work over the development of the individual abilities of each student individually.

The formation of a socially mature personality of each student is achieved through the use of the most effective forms and means of education. The educational process includes:
-social services
- group work system;
- solution of creative and non-standard tasks of an applied nature;
- performance of creative works of a practical orientation;
- creation of projects;
- work on the development of general subject competencies.

Add certificate to portfolio

Description of the presentation Tatyana Nikolaevna Malysheva, Deputy Chairman of the FKKR on slides

Tatyana Nikolaevna Malysheva, Deputy Chairman of the FKKR KIM for the state final certification in the Russian language of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "FIPI" federal Service on Supervision in the Sphere of Education and Science of the Russian Federation September 21, 2016 Seminar-meeting on practical use an open bank of evaluation tools for conducting procedures for monitoring and evaluating the quality of education in the Russian language at the level of basic general education Checking and evaluating the main types of speech activity: speaking. New approaches.

Speaking as a type of speech activity Formation of oral speech activity - a criterion for assessing the level of proficiency in the native language, an indicator of general culture

Speaking is a form of oral communication through which information is exchanged “The primary function of speech is communication. Speech is, first of all, a means of social communication, a means of expression and understanding. L. S. Vygotsky

Prepared oral speech Unprepared oral speech Thoughtfulness Clear structure Language close to written speech Spontaneity Pauses, clarification of thoughts, words, repetitions Less lexical accuracy Presence of speech errors Short sentences Lecture, report, speech, report, presentation Conversation, interview, reportage, speech in discussion

Exam format 1. Conversation with the teacher 2. Pair work 3. Computer General approaches: Communicative approach Unprepared speech Monologue + dialogue Description, narration, reasoning

Expressive reading aloud Task 1. Expressively read the text aloud. You have 1.5 minutes to prepare. An excerpt from the book by Ivan Sergeevich Sokolov - Mikitva "Sounds of the Earth" oo Listen carefully, standing in the forest or among the awakened flowering field, and if you have a sensitive ear, you will certainly hear the wonderful sounds of the earth, which at all times people have so affectionately called mother earth. The sounds of the earth are precious. It is probably impossible to list them. They replace our music. I recall with joy the sounds of the earth that once captivated me as a child. And isn’t the best thing left in my soul from those times? I remember the forest mysterious sounds, the breath of the awakened native land. And now they excite and delight me. In the silence of the night, I hear the breath of the earth even more clearly, the rustling of a leaf over a fresh mushroom that has risen from the ground, the fluttering of light night butterflies, the cock crow in the nearest village. And how good, unforgettable every new morning! Even before sunrise, the birds wake up and begin to sing joyfully. The awakened forest is full of life! In nature, there is nothing more musical than the coming early morning. Streams ring even more silvery, forest herbs smell more fragrant, and their aroma wonderfully merges with the musical symphony of the morning.

Criteria for evaluating expressive reading Expressiveness of speech The examinee managed to convey the author's intention and (or) his understanding of the text to the listeners through intonation, logical pauses, intonation of key words. 1 The examinee failed to convey the author's intention and (or) his understanding of the text to the listeners through intonation, logical pauses, intonational selection of key words. 0 Correctness of speech (Compliance of speech with language norms) Correct speech (corresponds to language norms): there is no distortion of words (or 1 mistake is made), the stress in words is correct (or 1 mistake is made). Intonation conveys the punctuation of the text (or 1 mistake was made). The pace of reading is high. (? ? ?) 2 The speech is correct (corresponds to the language norms), but there is a distortion of words (2-3 mistakes are made), and / or 2-3 mistakes are made in the stress setting, and / or the intonation as a whole conveys the punctuation of the text, but 2-3 errors. The pace of reading is high. (? ? ?) 1 Speech contains significant errors (partially complies with language norms): there is a distortion of words (more than 3 errors), more than 3 errors were made in the placement of stress. The intonation inaccurately conveys the punctuation of the text (more than 3 errors were made). The pace of reading is slow. (???). Understanding speech is difficult. 0 The maximum number of points for the entire task is

monologue. Photo monologue conversation. 2. Tell us about your most memorable visit to the museum. Do not forget to tell which museum you have been to; when and with whom; what did you see; What do you like and remember the most. Task 2. You are given 1.5 minutes to prepare. Your statement should not take more than 2 minutes. 1. Describe the photo.

Questions for conversation. Card for the teacher Questions for conversation (expanding and generalizing): 1. What museums do you like more: historical, art, scientific and technical or natural science? 2. In your opinion, should schoolchildren visit museums? Why? 3. Have you heard about virtual museums? What opportunities do you think they have?

Criteria (continued) Expressiveness and accuracy of speech The statement of the examinee is characterized by the richness of the dictionary and the accuracy of the expression of thought, the variety of grammatical structures. 2 The examinee's statement is characterized by a rich vocabulary, a variety of grammatical structures, but there are violations of the accuracy of thought expression, or / and the examinee's statement is characterized by the richness of the dictionary and the accuracy of word usage, but monotony of grammatical structures can be traced 1 The examinee's statement is characterized by poor vocabulary and monotony of grammatical structures : the examinee showed the ability to participate in a conversation: listen and understand the interlocutor's questions, give accurate and complete answers to questions, mastered non-verbal ways of communication (facial expressions, gestures), was polite and correct. 2 Interaction with the interlocutor achieved: the examinee showed the ability to participate in the conversation, but did not always show the ability to listen and understand the interlocutor's questions, gave inaccurate or / and incomplete answers to questions (made more than 2 communicative errors), did not always master non-verbal ways of communication (facial expressions, gestures), was polite and correct. 1 Interaction with the interlocutor was not achieved, the examinee did not show the ability to participate in the conversation: he did not understand the essence of the questions, did not give answers (he made more than 4 communication mistakes), did not always master non-verbal ways of communication (facial expressions, gestures), or was impolite and incorrect. 0 The maximum number of points for the entire task is 10 *Note. If the examinee did not cope with the communicative task, i.e., received 0 points according to the criteria "Description of a photograph" and "Narrative of personal life experience", then such work is not counted and 0 points are assessed, the task is considered failed. If the examinee received 0 points for one of the criteria “Description of a photograph” or “Narrative of personal life experience”, then for the criteria “Semantic integrity” and “Expressiveness of speech”, the maximum score is reduced to 1 point.

Dialogue in pairs Task 2. Discuss whether a uniform is needed at school? When discussing, provide answers to next questions Q: Do you have a uniform at school? What are the advantages of school uniform? Why do students often dislike wearing school uniforms? Do you agree that clothing is part of business etiquette? Describe the clothes you would like students to wear in your school.

Criteria for evaluating the dialogue in pairs Interaction with the interlocutor 2 points. Solving a communicative task (each direction of the conversation is estimated at 1 point)

Criteria for evaluating the dialogue in pairs Solution of the communicative task (each direction of the conversation is estimated by 1 point) The communicative task is solved; thoughts are presented logically, consistently, speech is distinguished by the richness and accuracy of the dictionary, a variety of syntactic constructions are used. 1*5 Communicative task not completed; or thoughts are presented illogically, inconsistently; and / or speech is characterized by poverty and inaccuracy of the dictionary, monotonous syntactic constructions are used. 0 Interaction with the interlocutor was achieved: the examinee showed the ability to ask questions, listen and understand the interlocutor, conduct and maintain a conversation, mastered non-verbal ways of communication (facial expressions, gestures), was polite and correct. 2 Interaction with the interlocutor was achieved, but the examinee did not always show the ability to ask questions, listen and understand the interlocutor, conduct and maintain a conversation (he made more than 2 communication errors), did not always master non-verbal ways of communication (facial expressions, gestures), was polite and correct. 1 Interaction with the interlocutor was not achieved, the examinee did not show the ability to ask questions, listen and understand the interlocutor, conduct and maintain a conversation (made more than 4 communicative errors), did not always master non-verbal ways of communication (facial expressions, gestures), or was impolite and incorrect. 0 The maximum number of points for the entire task is

Monologue statement with an element of dialogue Task 3. You are given 1. 5 minutes to prepare. Your statement should not take more than 2 minutes. 1. Describe the photo. 2. Tell us about yours school holiday which I remember the most. Do not forget to tell when the holiday was held; what was it dedicated to? who took part; what I liked the most. Share your experience with a partner.

Criteria for evaluating a monologue statement with an element of dialogue Description of the photo 2 points Narration of personal life experience 2 points Semantic integrity 2 points Expressiveness and accuracy of speech 2 points Interaction with the interlocutor 2 points

Criteria for evaluating a monologue statement with an element of dialogue Description of the photo The examinee coped with the communicative task - he described the photo. There are no actual errors. 2 The examinee coped with the communicative task - he described the photo, but the topic was not fully disclosed. There are no actual errors. 1 The examinee did not cope with the communicative task - he was unable to describe the photo, or made factual errors, including in choosing the type of speech. 0 Narration about personal life experience The examinee coped with the communicative task - he spoke about his personal life experience. There are no actual errors. 2 The examinee coped with the communicative task - he spoke about his personal life experience, but the topic was not fully disclosed. There are no actual errors. 1 The examinee did not cope with the communicative task - he failed to talk about his personal life experience, or made factual errors, including in choosing the type of speech. 0 Semantic integrity The statement is characterized by semantic integrity, speech coherence and consistency of presentation: there are no logical errors, the sequence of presentation is not broken. 2 The statement is characterized by semantic integrity, speech coherence and consistency of presentation, but there are logical errors (no more than 2). 1 The statement is illogical, the presentation is inconsistent. There are logical errors (more than 2). Communicative intent is difficult to understand.

Criteria for evaluating a monologue statement with an element of dialogue (continued) Expressiveness and accuracy of speech The statement of the examinee is characterized by the richness of the vocabulary and the accuracy of the expression of thought, the variety of grammatical structures. 2 The examinee's statement is characterized by a rich vocabulary, a variety of grammatical structures, but there are violations of the accuracy of the expression of thought, or / and the examinee's statement is characterized by the richness of the dictionary and the accuracy of word usage, but the monotony of grammatical structures can be traced 1 The examinee's statement is characterized by poor vocabulary and monotony of grammatical structures : the examinee showed the ability to ask questions, listen and understand the interlocutor, conduct and maintain a conversation, mastered non-verbal ways of communication (facial expressions, gestures), was polite and correct. 2 Interaction with the interlocutor was achieved, but the examinee did not always show the ability to ask questions, listen and understand the interlocutor, conduct and maintain a conversation (he made more than 2 communication errors), did not always master non-verbal ways of communication (facial expressions, gestures), was polite and correct. 1 Interaction with the interlocutor was not achieved, the examinee did not show the ability to ask questions, listen and understand the interlocutor, conduct and maintain a conversation (made more than 4 communicative errors), did not always master non-verbal ways of communication (facial expressions, gestures), or was impolite and incorrect. 0 The maximum number of points for the entire task -10 *Note. If the examinee did not cope with the communicative task, i.e., received 0 points according to the criteria "Description of a photograph" and "Narrative of personal life experience", then such work is not counted and 0 points are assessed, the task is considered failed. If the examinee received 0 points for one of the criteria “Description of a photograph” or “Narrative of personal life experience”, then for the criteria “Semantic integrity” and “Expressiveness of speech”, the maximum score is reduced to 1 point.

conditional dialogue. (Interview) Task 2. Take part in the interview. You need to answer five questions. Please give complete answers to the questions. 1. Do you have a uniform at your school? 2. Why is school uniform convenient? 3. Why do students often dislike wearing school uniforms? 4. Do you agree that clothes are part of business etiquette? 5. Describe the clothes you would like students to wear in your school.

Criteria for evaluating the conditional dialogue Answer to the question The communicative task is solved: a complete answer to the question is given, thoughts are presented logically, consistently, speech is distinguished by the richness and accuracy of the dictionary, various syntactic constructions are used. 1 * 5 The communicative task is not solved: the answer to the question is not given or a monosyllabic answer is given (word, phrase); or thoughts are presented illogically, inconsistently; or speech is characterized by poverty and inaccuracy of the dictionary, monotonous syntactic constructions are used. 0 The maximum number of points for the entire task is

Monologue statement Task 3. You are given 1. 5 minutes to prepare. Your statement should not take more than 2 minutes. 1. Describe the photo. 2. Tell us about your school holiday, which you remember the most. Do not forget to tell when the holiday was held; what was it dedicated to? who took part; what I liked the most.

Criteria for evaluating a monologue statement Description of the photo 2 points Narration of personal life experience 2 points Semantic integrity 2 points Expressiveness and accuracy of speech 2 points

Criteria for evaluating a monologue statement Description of the photo The examinee coped with the communicative task - he described the photo. There are no actual errors. 2 The examinee coped with the communicative task - he described the photo, but the topic was not fully disclosed. There are no actual errors. 1 The examinee did not cope with the communicative task - he was unable to describe the photo, or made factual errors, including in choosing the type of speech. 0 Narration about personal life experience The examinee coped with the communicative task - he spoke about his personal life experience. There are no actual errors. 2 The examinee coped with the communicative task - he spoke about his personal life experience, but the topic was not fully disclosed. There are no actual errors. 1 The examinee did not cope with the communicative task - he failed to talk about his personal life experience, or made factual errors, including in choosing the type of speech.

Criteria (continued) Semantic integrity The statement is characterized by semantic integrity, speech coherence and sequence of presentation: there are no logical errors, the sequence of presentation is not broken. 2 The statement is characterized by semantic integrity, speech coherence and consistency of presentation, but there are logical errors (no more than 2). 1 The statement is illogical, the presentation is inconsistent. There are logical errors (more than 2). Communicative intent is difficult to understand. 0 Expressiveness and accuracy of speech The statement of the examinee is characterized by the richness of the dictionary and the accuracy of the expression of thought, a variety of grammatical structures. 2 The examinee's statement is characterized by a rich vocabulary, a variety of grammatical structures, but there are violations of the accuracy of the expression of thought, or / and the examinee's statement is characterized by the richness of the dictionary and the accuracy of word usage, but the monotony of grammatical structures can be traced 1 The examinee's statement is characterized by poor vocabulary and monotony of grammatical structures the whole task is 8 *Note. If the examinee did not cope with the communicative task, i.e., received 0 points according to the criteria "Description of a photograph" and "Narrative of personal life experience", then such work is not counted and 0 points are assessed, the task is considered failed. If the examinee received 0 points for one of the criteria “Description of a photograph” or “Narrative of personal life experience”, then for the remaining criteria “Semantic integrity” and “Expressiveness of speech”, the maximum score is reduced to 1 point.

THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION Tatyana Nikolaevna Malysheva, Deputy Chairman of the FKKR KIM for the state final certification in the Russian language of the FGBNU "FIPI"