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home  /  Therapy for dermatitis/ Prediction of Mohsen Noruzi: “Sobchak will give birth to a daughter, Buzova will start a new romance, and Bondarchuk will part with Andreeva. Mohsen Noruzi's prediction: “Sobchak will give birth to a daughter, Buzova will start a new romance, and Bondarchuk will part with Andreeva.

Mohsen Noruzi's prediction: “Sobchak will give birth to a daughter, Buzova will start a new romance, and Bondarchuk will part with Andreeva. Mohsen Noruzi's prediction: “Sobchak will give birth to a daughter, Buzova will start a new romance, and Bondarchuk will part with Andreeva.

The winner of the tenth "Battle of Psychics" Mohsen Noruzi gave a forecast of what to expect for the stars in the future. The clairvoyant spoke about celebrities who have been the most talked about people for several months now. As it turned out, many of them are waiting for a lot of surprises ahead, writes StarHit".

The famous psychic Mohsen Noruzi, whose prophecies are listened to by thousands of people, made a forecast for the near future for the most talked about people of recent times. Many celebrities have started this year with major life changes. Someone was lucky enough to become parents, others - to get a divorce and start everything from clean slate, and the third had to deal with scandals at all.

Alexander Panayotov

“The star of the show “Voice” is waiting for success in the music field in the next three years. His creative energy with its flow with a roar seemed to open all previously inaccessible doors. Alexander has every chance to represent Russia at Eurovision this year, but the decision will largely depend on the organizers on our part. Participation in a musical geopolitical competition will not key point for the singer. Alexander is waiting for a very successful patronage of the author's project. Years later, I see him in New York in a smoky club with friends and admirers. He will probably spend a lot of time abroad.”

Olga Buzova

The psychic saw the near future for the star of "House-2" Olga Buzova, who recently officially divorced Dmitry Tarasov. According to Noruzi, the football player will indeed soon become a father, and Olga Buzova will get everything right and in a month she will fly away to rest with her new boyfriend.

“Now Olya is experiencing stress, but everything will benefit: difficulties will make her less infantile, change her superficial vision of the world. And the pop-up candid photos and the correspondence only aroused interest and will play into the hands of the lucky Olga. The hype surrounding the divorce from football player Dmitry Tarasov will subside in three months. The marriage has exhausted itself, Dima is cold to his wife, he has long ceased to consider himself a male leader. He wanted deep feelings, not coexistence for show. The division of property will become more complicated due to conflicts on both sides and will last nine months. Tarasov will soon have a son, but he will live with his mother for no more than five years. ... Buzova will have two boyfriends on the horizon at once. With one of them in February, she will fly away to rest. Olga will have three marriages and the same number of children. For another four years she will flicker in different projects, after which it will disappear from the screens.

Ksenia Sobchak

For 35-year-old Ksenia Sobchak, who recently became a mother for the first time, Norouzi also has a prediction. A year ago, Mohsen made a prediction to Xenia and Maxim:

“I finally feel like she wants to be a mom. As long as the desire and physiological possibilities to conceive naturally coincide, I advise Ksyusha to do this in the spring and summer of next year.

“Ksenia is more of a mentor, humorist and supporter than a strict mother. She will be a close friend to her son. The kid is more like his father in charisma. He has a career as a businessman. In Xenia, I feel a great desire for repeated motherhood. The birth of a daughter will change the star, turning into an incredibly tender mother.

Dmitry Shepelev

Also, the eminent psychic did not ignore the sensational story with Dmitry Shepelev's book about the late Jeanne Friske. We wrote earlier that the father of the singer Vladimir Borisovich is writing his book and another version of what is happening, the fate of which Noruzi also saw.

“The work of Vladimir Friske will most likely be published in 2017, but will not have the same effect as the work of Dmitry Shepelev. Moreover, with the release of the memoirs, the relationship between these two men who love Jeanne will worsen. The conflict in the future will still be settled, but now I feel the aggravation again. Jeanne's family will definitely wait for the moment of meeting with Plato, having, unfortunately, gone through all the circles of hell. The sister of the singer Natalya will help to reconcile the parties. With the help of wisdom, compliance and light, she will soften the hearts of opposing men. Dmitry will not be alone, he will have a happy and long marriage. However, this will not happen soon. His heart is still filled with pain. Jeanne will come to him in a dream and herself will give a blessing on new life. This will happen after the resolution of the drama around little Plato.

Fyodor Bondarchuk and Paulina Andreeva

Earlier, Mohsen Noruzi had already prophesied the future of the marriage of Paulina Andreeva and Fyodor Bondarchuk, who would soon get married, but he had some additions regarding Svetlana Bondarchuk as well.

“This couple does not need marriage. Having registered the relationship and having played a beautiful wedding, the director and actress will part after some time. Paulina is a wild bird, insidious, free, unbridled, thirsty for wanderings and adventures. Fedor will not fly with her for a long time. ... At Svetlana, ex-wife Bondarchuk, I don’t see marriage, but a man will appear in her life who will become her close friend and ally. She will forgive her ex-wife years later, she will do it from the heart and forever. ”

Alena Vodonaeva

The famous psychic also foresaw changes in the life of Alena Vodonaeva, who recently reduced her breasts. The star, who broke up with Anton Korotkov, already has a suitable boyfriend, but so far he has not been talking about him.

“In the fall of 2016, the TV presenter broke up with her fiancé Anton Korotkov, but you don’t have to worry about her. Alena did not have, does not have and will not have periods of loneliness or depression! One person replaces another, and someone else follows them. She is strong, domineering, with a perpetual motion machine in her heart. It is difficult for Vodonaeva to find a match for herself, but she has a lot of strength for these attempts. The TV presenter has already got a gentleman who is similar to her in terms of energy.

Nikita Dzhigurda

“Outrageous charismatic Nikita Dzhigurda moved, unfortunately, to a new level and led to illness. From his own divorce from figure skater Marina Anisina, the actor made a scandal and a show. Nikita is seriously ill, although he does not realize it himself. Behind the mask of self-confidence is a man with a wild fear of loneliness. Marina is not joking, urging Dzhigurda to seek help. Anisina will heal after a divorce and a short depression happy life, which Nikita, alas, can no longer afford. I feel the dangerous effects of certain drugs that will cause irreparable harm to this once healthy person with the energy of Pegasus.

Anna Semenovich

“The singer is not married, but not alone at all. She just keeps personal life from prying eyes. The person who will make Anna happy with motherhood is far from the world of show business, rich, engaged in financial calculations and does not like publicity. In March-April 2017, Semenovich will reach a key turn for his female energy - during this period, there is a high chance of becoming pregnant and giving birth to twins.

Elena Letuchaya

“The host of the Revizorro program does not know how to sit idle, she rests while working. Hardworking, self-sufficient, self-confident, beautiful in every sense of the word, Flying is an absolutely happy and lucky person with light energy. Lena will devote 2017 and 2018 to motherhood, in which she is completely happily and in a new way realized. No matter how ridiculous it may sound, Flying will be able to extremely successfully lead restaurant business. Her project is a huge success!”

In the TV show “Battle of Psychics” there were a huge number interesting moments. The participants of the “Battle” tried to guess the given riddles, made predictions for the near and distant future, but most of all, Mohsen Noruzi struck the audience with his prophecies. This Persian psychic has interesting biography, in addition, it has a very unusual appearance. Despite such contradictions, the psychic defined himself as a truthful soothsayer. What are the predictions of Mohsen Noruzi for 2018? What's waiting world economy in a period of time from which many people expect stability and consistency?

Mohsen Norouzi Predictions for 2018

The main thing that people are concerned about is the end of the global crisis. The world population is already tired of troubles and inexplicable incidents, it strives for constancy and stability. What portends next year? What will be Mohsen Norouzi's forecast for 2018?

Many psychics foreshadowed a long time ago the onset of the global crisis. This unpleasant time for citizens came when the "Black Man" came to power. Mohsen Noruzi also pointed to a man who, through his behavior and actions, radically turned the stable state of the world economy upside down. If we draw the right conclusions, then Barack Obama became such a person. After his reign, as well as during it, there was a large part of the negative changes that adversely affected economic system all over the world.

The famous psychic indicates that most of the world's countries will find it very difficult to "get out" of the global crisis. The situation of standardization and stabilization may last until 2020. In the future, the life security of the population will improve somewhat, but positive moments will not appear in the life of every person. Changes in the economic plan will have a corresponding effect on the militarized situation of some states. The more stable the economic sphere of life becomes, the less wars and various aggressions will be.

Big changes will affect America. Even now, Mohsen Norouzi's 2018 predictions for Russia assure that the US government will try to build partnerships with a huge state. America itself is last years is experiencing significant difficulties, and the state is not expected to have a bright future ahead. Now America is better off holding on to partnerships with Russia, as European Union and his support is no longer hopeful. The further away from 2017, the less EU regulations will mean for many states. At the end of 2018, the European Union runs the risk of existing only “on paper”.

As for the Russians themselves, the coming year will not be positive and active for everyone. Lucky can be active and purposeful individuals who are used to risking their own needs for the benefit of their own. material well-being. The state will experience hard times, poverty will increase in percentage terms, more unhappy people will appear.

Russia is not recommended to get involved in the paramilitary actions of foreign states. may lead to the fact that Russia will develop a conflict with other Arab countries. It is important for the Russian government to understand that Arab countries in their blood they have a craving for battle, and in the coming years they will not be able to eradicate this quality in their souls. Aid to Syria and other states can bring a lot of trouble for the country itself. In addition, war contributes to the death of the people, namely large number Russians are at risk of dying in an incomprehensible and useless war.

Huge Russia is envied by many states. If the government can find the right path to reconcile with foreign states, then Russia expects prosperity, active development and stabilization of economic structures.

Mohsen Noruzi's predictions for 2018 for Ukraine are determined. The psychic assures that the tests for the state are not over yet. The main problem created unpleasant situation lies in the actions of the government, which very often contradict the desires of Ukrainians. Norouzi does not give a clear and definite forecast, he only claims that Ukraine is still very far from stability and normal life. Military actions will constantly “heat up”, the war will take place in several stages, and the Ukrainians will suffer from its consequences for at least 2 more years.

Predictions about the future time excite everyone modern man, because the situation in the world today is rapidly changing, and neither economists nor government officials give any accurate information, and people with supernatural abilities willingly open the "veil" of the near future to people. Especially popular today are the predictions of Mohsen Noruzi for 2017, who previously took part in the popular show of psychics, where he showed amazing results and confirmed his gift of foresight.

Biography of the predictor

Mohsen Noruzi was a member of a huge family, but the ability to predict the future was recorded exclusively in him. The boy's family was large, but poor, but everyone in it tried to help each other, and perhaps that is why the Almighty gave him a gift in the form of a gift to look into the future. However, it all started with the fact that one day he asked higher powers to give him some money with which he could feed his family, he sincerely asked, and when he opened his eyes the money lay in front of him on the ground, therefore, he understood that he had been heard. Subsequently, such stories began to repeat themselves much more often, which made him think about starting meditation classes, and it was they who helped him open a look into the future. After that, according to legend, an angel descended to him, who said that his destiny was not only the gift of foresight, but also the treatment of people (he revealed the secrets of treatment to him, but also in modern times no one can understand how he does it, and he does not disclose his secrets).

What will be the future of the Russians?

First of all, it is worth discussing Mohsen Noruzi's predictions for 2017 for Russia, because the predictor lives on the territory of this country, and worries about its well-being. Russians are waiting for massive natural disasters, including special attention showers and fires deserve, and almost the entire territory of the country, except for Siberia, will suffer from them.
A conflict is expected from Muslim countries, which will bring a lot of grief to the Russians and, most likely, it has already begun, because today there is a war on the territory of Syria, and Russia is already taking part in it (perhaps this is what will subsequently become a problem for the entire state ). According to some clairvoyant data, in the event of a war and development natural disasters, people will start moving to northern regions, where they will have to learn to build their lives anew (fortunately, there are conditions for this in the northern parts of Russia, it is only necessary to properly distribute the available resources, because only in this way will it be possible to restore the power of the entire state).

What should Ukrainians expect?

Do not ignore the predictions of Mohsen Norouzi for 2017 for Ukraine,after all, today many are worried about the information about when the conflict among Ukrainians will end and whether it was worth counting on the fact that everything will be fine with them soon. Frankly, Mohsen Norouzi does not give accurate information regarding this issue, and that is why the future can be called vague, but it is expected that everything depends on the decisions of the president, who must gather a qualified team around him, and it is she who can lead the country to a new political level. The predictor claims that Ukrainians are in for quite a lot of trouble, starting with the fight against the financial crisis and ending with a war, the end of which is yet to be seen by anyone.
According to preliminary data, hostilities in the east will continue for another 2-3 years, periodically subsiding, but then growing with renewed vigor, and everything will be caused by the fact that the parties simply cannot find common decision, and each of them will try to pull the blanket in their direction. Muhsen is one of the few who believes that the occupied territories will eventually remain part of the country, although other clairvoyants are sure not only that they will separate, but that the country will cease to exist as a single whole. The number of victims of the war will increase, and the result will be that Western countries who will do everything to solve the problem peacefully (for them, such a solution will also bring certain benefits).

Frankly speaking, Mohsen Norouzi's forecast for 2017 is very popular among the population precisely because he makes predictions based on modern events, while other popular predictors - Edgar Cayce, Vanga or Nostradamus have already said goodbye to life. , so they could not adequately assess the situation. True, it must also be said that modern predictors prefer not to give specific data, and they prefer to speak about the future in general terms, so it is very difficult to imagine an accurate picture of what will happen in the near future.

Mohren Noruzi predicted the economic crisis. The problem will be relevant for everyone modern countries. The crisis will last long enough. According to the Iranian psychic, the situation will improve only until 2020. The economic crisis will affect many world processes, the political and military situation will change dramatically. Morhen fully agreed with the words of another astrologer, Vasily Nemchin, who had previously also predicted the world economic crisis after the “black man” came to power. It's about about Obama, after he came to power, unpleasant changes began all over the world.

2. For America and European Union countries

The Iranian psychic is sure that America does not have a happy and stable future, the country will quickly lose the world championship and seriously shaken. And the countries of the European Union are waiting for a sad fate. Most likely, it will be divided into separate associations. Most likely, after some time the European Union will become a formal association, will continue to exist only on paper.

3. About the Third World War

2014 will be a turning point for many countries, because humanity will once again be on the verge of a world war. With a high degree of probability, a war will begin in the East. It's possible that turn around fighting in Iran. The clairvoyant is very afraid of such a development of events. There is a possibility of terrorist attacks in different corners peace.

4. Predictions that relate to natural disasters

A few years ago, Mohsen already spoke about the inevitable natural disasters. It can be like frequent earthquakes around the world, floods, volcanic eruptions and others. natural anomalies. Unfortunately, many of Mohsen Noruzi's predictions have already come true. Frightening is the fact that over time the number of cataclysms can only increase. True, the clairvoyant does not predict the end of the world. He says that earthlings will live long enough.

Predictions about the future time excite every modern person, because the situation in the world today is rapidly changing, and neither economists nor government officials give any accurate information, and people with supernatural abilities willingly open the “veil” of the near future to people. Especially popular today arefor 2017,who previously took part in the popular show of psychics, where he showed amazing results and confirmed the presence of his gift of foresight.

Biography of the predictor

Mohsen Noruzi was a member of a huge family, but the ability to predict the future was recorded exclusively in him. The boy's family was large, but poor, but everyone in it tried to help each other, and perhaps that is why the Almighty gave him a gift in the form of a gift to look into the future. However, it all started with the fact that once he asked the higher powers to give him some money for which he could feed his family, he asked sincerely, and when he opened his eyes the money lay in front of him on the ground, therefore, he understood that he had been heard. Subsequently, such stories began to repeat themselves much more often, which made him think about starting meditation classes, and it was they who helped him open a look into the future. After that, according to legend, an angel descended to him, who said that his destiny was not only the gift of foresight, but also the treatment of people (he revealed the secrets of treatment to him, but even in modern times no one can understand how he does, but he does not divulge his secrets).

What will be the future of the Russians?

First of all, it is worth discussingbecause the predictor lives precisely on the territory of a given country, and worries about its well-being. The Russians are waiting for massive natural disasters, among which showers and fires deserve special attention, and almost the entire territory of the country, except for Siberia, will suffer from them.

A conflict is expected from Muslim countries, which will bring a lot of grief to the Russians and, most likely, it has already begun, because today there is a war on the territory of Syria, and Russia is already taking part in it (perhaps this is what will subsequently become a problem for the entire state ). According to some data of the clairvoyant, in the event of a war and the development of natural disasters, people will begin to move to the northern regions, where they will have to learn to rebuild their lives (fortunately, there are conditions for this in the northern parts of Russia, it is only necessary to correctly allocate the available resources, because the only way it will be possible to restore the power of the entire state).

What should Ukrainians expect?

Also don't ignore after all, today many are worried about the information about when the conflict among Ukrainians will end and whether it was worth counting on the fact that everything will be fine with them soon. Frankly, Mohsen Norouzi does not give accurate information regarding this issue, and that is why the future can be called vague, but it is expected that everything depends on the decisions of the president, who must gather a qualified team around him, and it is she who can lead the country to a new political level. The predictor claims that Ukrainians are in for quite a lot of trouble, starting with the fight against the financial crisis and ending with a war, the end of which is yet to be seen by anyone.

According to preliminary data, hostilities in the east will continue for another 2-3 years, periodically subsiding, but then growing with renewed vigor, and everything will be caused by the fact that the parties simply cannot find a common solution, and each of them will try to pull the blanket in your side. Muhsen is one of the few who believes that the occupied territories will eventually remain part of the country, although other clairvoyants are sure not only that they will separate, but that the country will cease to exist as a single whole. The number of victims of the war will increase, and the result will be that Western countries will take part in its regulation and will do everything to solve the problem peacefully (for them, such a solution will also bring certain benefits).

Frankly speaking,Mohsen Norouzi forecast for 2017is very popular among the population precisely because he makes predictions based on modern events, while other popular predictors - Vanga or already said goodbye to life, so they could not adequately assess the situation. True, it must also be said that modern predictors prefer not to give specific data, and they prefer to speak about the future in general terms, so it is very difficult to imagine an accurate picture of what will happen in the near future.