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How to make life brighter: personal experience. How to make your life more active

Do you often think: how to make your life more interesting and fulfilling? All that is needed for this is to try to make changes in the usual way of life, change habits and follow some rules that will help not only diversify life, but also significantly simplify it.

1. Do the opposite. If you were in the habit of eating a lot of meat products, try to give them up and switch to plant foods, at least temporarily. If you like to talk a lot - try to be silent in the company. If you always go to bed late, try starting earlier than usual. This way out of the usual “comfort zone” is not only interesting in itself, but will also help you quickly adapt to those moments in life when you have to be outside the comfort zone.

2. Wake up half an hour or an hour earlier. Getting enough sleep, of course, is necessary, but oversleeping does not do any good. But, waking up an hour earlier, you can have time to do more. interesting things for which there was no time. Remember: "Whoever gets up earlier - God gives to him." Start getting up 20 minutes earlier, and then gradually increase the time to an hour.

3. When attending important business meetings, come to them 10 minutes earlier. This will allow you not to worry about the possibility of being late and not to experience stress before solving important issues that require a calm and reasonable approach. Arriving earlier, you will be able to prepare for the conversation without unnecessary nerves and double-check whether you have forgotten anything.

4. Concentration on one task is very important! Don't try to do more than one thing at the same time. Solve tasks one by one, then you will be able to do it better, focusing and not being distracted.

5. Ask yourself sometimes: am I making things worse? Analyze what is happening. If it turns out that your actions make the problem even more complicated, try to break it down into small components and deal with it gradually.

6. Worried about some wrongdoing in your life,for example, about a quarrel with a loved one, misbehavior or an illiterate approach to some business, without spending extra nerves, ask yourself: will it really matter in 5 years? And after 5 weeks? Most likely, you will forget about it after a few days. Unfortunately, we often experience quite insignificant things.

7. Spend only money you earn or save on your own, make smart purchases, avoid stupid loans. When deciding to buy something too expensive, remember the rule: you need to think about a purchase for as many days as there are hundreds in its cost.

8. Active life position and good health largely depends on the food we eat. Try to eat less in cafes and fast foods. home cooking will allow not only to maintain good health, but also to save a lot, not to mention the fact that cooking your own meals, looking for recipes, is quite an interesting and developing activity.

9. When cooking, try to cook more food than you can consume at one time. Then this activity will not bother you, even if you are not a fan of messing around in the kitchen, and next time it will be enough just to warm up the food. And you will have to wash the dishes less often, and some dishes are especially tasty on the second day.

10. Do not be lazy to use the diary. Human memory is an unreliable tool, and the older you are, the less you can rely on it. Get into the habit of writing down everything from a young age (meetings, necessary purchases, affairs, important dates). It is also useful to set yourself and write down goals for a month in advance, for a year, for 3 years, and, looking at the notes, remember them every time.

11. No matter how ideal your behavior and life positions may seem to you, always remember that you may be wrong. This will help you patiently listen to someone else's opinion, work on mistakes, change yourself and open up to new opportunities.

12. Do not be afraid of mistakes, they are necessary for learning important life lessons. The experience gained will certainly help you in the future.

13. Do not live other people's desires or dreams,think about yourself, do what you especially like, so that later you do not regret the wasted time.

14. Save time and moneyshopping for groceries a week in advance will help.

15. In order not to buy unnecessary and harmful products,don't go shopping on an empty stomach.

16. Drink more water. If you have a habit of constantly chewing something while sitting at the TV screen or at the computer, put a bottle of water next to you. Take a few sips every time your hand reaches for a bag of chips or a sandwich. This will eliminate the feeling of hunger and help avoid obesity, the main enemy of an active lifestyle.

17. At dinner, chew food slowly, eat in good mood take your time and enjoy every bite of it. This way you won't overeat and learn to enjoy your food.

18. Treat people around you warmly., because the good given will surely return to you, just like the negative released into the world.

19. Get in the habit write short letters (2-4 sentences).

20. Check your mailbox and answer letters once a day, at a certain time. This will save time and remove unnecessary nervousness from life.

Follow these simple rules for quick and positive changes in your life!

Sometimes it's time for a change. We get bored with our routine, habits, and our life seems boring. What then is the good news? You can start changing it right now. Just remember one thing: the only person who should think your life is interesting is you. It doesn't matter what you do as long as it works. So, are you ready to go to new level your life game?


Part 1

Develop active interests

    Find yourself a new hobby. There are hundreds of different activities to suit every budget. If you have little money, you can just pick up a pencil and a piece of paper and learn how to draw. If you don't have any money, you can start going for walks in the park or along the river, or even start learning HTML or CSS. If you're willing to spend money on your hobby, go dancing, learn to play an instrument, or find a way to add some adrenaline to your life. You can go scuba diving, yoga, cooking, archery or cycling; and this is just the tip of the iceberg.

    • If you keep busy doing what you like, not only will you not be so bored and you will feel happy, but you will become a more interesting person with whom it is interesting to communicate and you can make new friends. What's more, you'll have an amazing skill to talk about and demonstrate to the world.
  1. Take courses online. If you have internet, you can get an education without leaving your home. Technology is an amazing thing, it leaves no room for excuses. There are several sites like Khan Academy or Coursera that offer free online courses. There are also university websites, such as those of Harvard and MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), which post the content of certain courses online, making them available to all. Education not only keeps you busy, it makes your mind work and you broaden your horizons.

    • This is not a university or college where you have to take classes. You can browse the list of courses and choose one or two that interest you. What if you don't succeed? There are no bad ratings.
  2. Sign up with an organization you believe in. Have you ever met a person who dedicates his free time those who are worse off than him? It probably doesn't happen often, but there are people like that, and you probably admire them. Why don't you become one yourself? You can volunteer at a hospital or a nursing home, or help an animal welfare society, and the world will be a better place.

    • Such acts of kindness will make you feel better. In addition, you will be surrounded by like-minded, interesting people who also want to improve the world.
  3. Do something unconventional. Running in the morning is great. Going to the gym for workouts is great. But what if you took up rock climbing, pole dancing, or hiking? It's good for your body and soul, and it's cool. What do you think?

    • This is a great way to get good physical form and meet new people. Join a hiking club or climbing team. Are you not that crazy? How about a local basketball team or riding club? There are plenty of bands just for fun that don't require a huge amount of skill.
  4. Do something you never even dreamed of doing. We all tend to put ourselves in limits. We think that we would like that we should act in such and such a way; but it's really of no use. Stop for a moment, think about what you would never do, and then start setting yourself up to do it. Would you never go skinny dipping? Do it. Would you ever pick up a spider? Do it. Even you can surprise yourself.

    Part 2

    Lead an active and exciting life
    1. Shake up your routine. It doesn't matter if other people think you are interesting person important when you think that of yourself. All it takes is a few small steps and a different lifestyle. So, wake up 15 minutes earlier than usual, make yourself the breakfast you've never eaten, sit on the porch and read the paper. You can watch movies in the cinema all day long. Or twist shura-mura during your lunch break. No need to do something global, just something else.

      • Try every day to think of one thing you can do differently. You can take the other way home, cook dinner, or call a friend you haven't talked to in a hundred years - just try it. You need to surprise yourself, not others.
    2. Look for local events such as fairs, festivals, and music events to attend. Pick something that might be of interest to you and go there. There are often many local events, especially in summer, that don't involve much cost or are even completely free. By doing things that are not part of your normal routine, you will surprise yourself and feel full of energy.

      • To find these events, read newspapers, search the Internet, pay attention to the flyers handed out on the street and in cafes, talk to friends, and even strangers(for example, with a girl who sings in your favorite cafe). So you will meet new people and will feel doubly pleasant.
    3. Explore your hometown. When you go somewhere for the weekend, the place you visit always seems to be much more interesting than the area where you live. But in fact there are probably many beautiful places where you live, you just don't bother to find them. Open your eyes; what could you be missing?

      • Go to the tourist center in your city and find out what tourists usually do there. You may have museums, pleasure boats, art galleries, or attractions in your city that you have never noticed or been interested in.
    4. Accept invitations. If you keep making excuses why you can't go somewhere when you're invited, then people will just forget about you and won't invite you again. Even if you don't like the people you've been invited to or the places they're going to, try giving them a chance, go and hang out with them. You don't have to do it all the time - do it from time to time.

    5. Organize a party or go out with friends. Not only will you be busy organizing, you will also have an event that you will look forward to and then remember. People close to you will likely also be able to offer you a couple of ideas that you can try.

      • Look for such opportunities. Do you listen to live music? Treat the guitarist and strike up a conversation. Go grab a bite to eat with your new basketball teammates. Sometimes it pays to knock on the door of opportunity, not the other way around.
    6. Plan your trip. Instead of sitting at home on your weekends (although weekends are good wherever you are), plan your trip for two days. No need to take a vacation and spend a lot of money - it can even be half an hour away from the city where you can stop and take a break from everything. Just drive out of town and have fun!

      • Is there somewhere nearby a place where you always wanted to visit, but did not succeed? Take this as a great opportunity to visit this place. Even if it only takes half a day, it will be fine. Feel like a tourist, get away from everything. This is a great opportunity to relax, learn something new and get away from the routine.

    Part 3

    Enjoy life
    1. Get rid of what bores you. Often, some things in life make us comfortable for our own good. We get jobs we don't like but pay bills, maintain relationships that fizzle out, or are in a place we don't want to be. If there is something significant in your life that upsets you, challenge it once. It will be difficult, but later you will realize that it is for the best.

      • At times like these, you have to weigh the pros and cons. Can you afford to move or quit your job? Are there only temporary troubles in your relationship and this is not permanent? Make sure you think things through before making big changes in your life.
      • Can't quit everything? Then come up with some ways to make these things more exciting. Ask at work for a project, travel more often, or do something crazy with your partner. Everything can be changed.
    2. Clean up the mess. A clean home is a clean mind where you can finally make room for entertainment. By doing this, you show yourself that you are making changes and improving yourself. Tidying up your home will make you prouder, more organized, more likely to invite friends home, and save time looking for things.

      • If you get rid of the clutter, your rooms will seem brighter and bigger, you will feel more energetic and happy when you wake up in the morning or come home from work. Everyone should enjoy the time spent at home, and this will be much easier.
    3. Stop focusing on the negative. The next time you are invited somewhere, or you have a task, do not allow yourself to fill your head with bad thoughts. If you can focus on positive things, you will be able to enjoy even the smallest things. It's too easy to drown in negativity, but you'll never be happy if you see negativity in everything.

      • If a negative thought comes to your mind, think of something positive, and positive thinking will come to you. For example, if you're thinking, "This is so hard..." think, "...but I'll feel good when I do it!"
    4. Change your diet. When it comes to food, keep two things in mind:
      • Get yourself a good, balanced diet. This is good not only for your health, but also for your mood. Poor nutrition will cause an energy decline, you will feel tired and sick. Also, knowing that you are taking care of your body will make you feel better, happier, and more confident.
      • Experiment. Find some new recipes you'd like to try. Go to a restaurant next Friday. Try something you have never tried before. Eating interesting foods means you can be interesting three times a day.
    5. Find time to rest. Whether it's entertainment once a week, a hot bath, or deep breathing during the workday, you need to unwind a little. Everyone needs time to unwind after a hectic week, to take a few hours off from work or to-do. Even if you read a book for 15 minutes, it will be good.

      • Some people prefer things like yoga and meditation. Others would rather play a video game. There is no right or wrong way to relax, do what works for you. After that, you should feel fully recovered and ready to "get back in the game."
    6. Spend time around happy people. Avoid people who moan and complain all the time, look for people with a good sense of humor who have a positive outlook on life. You will find that their positivity is contagious. Such people also strive for exciting and new things.

      • Another one a good idea! Spend time with your family. As we get older, we often realize that when we were young, we really missed out on precious time with our families, and you can't get that back. They are probably doing interesting things too and would be just happy to spend time with you.


    • Don't focus on improving your life so much that you forget to enjoy what you're doing!

When you are young, life seems so simple and clear. Much is easily given, overcome, created, because you are healthy, full vital energy and plans for the future. Over time, growing up, a person begins to complicate simple things, making life difficult for himself. But the truth is, life is still simple. It has not changed, it is we who have changed and become more difficult for ourselves.

What happens when we become adults, mature people?

We begin to forbid, restrain, suppress many things in ourselves, thereby enclosing ourselves in the framework of conventions and restrictions. In childhood, we did not think about the usefulness of food, what to eat, what to wear, what time to go to bed. We were full of carefree joy, fun, laughter, doing only what we liked and would make happy.

We think a lot about things that we never thought about before. Endless diets, special menus, a carefully selected wardrobe, and work, work to the limit. We buy a lot of unnecessary things, take care of own status, prestige. The constant pursuit of someone or something, at any cost to achieve the desired, success, even if it costs us health, family and a lot of time. This brings anxiety, fear, insecurity and preoccupation with our problems into our lives. All this makes us gloomy, always dissatisfied with something, tired, lifeless.

If you want to make your life easy and joyful again, apply our tips:

    Speak openly. Don't expect to be understood without words. Talk if something worries you, do not keep it to yourself.

    Be polite and tactful towards others. But don't try to be nice to everyone. Be polite, but don't try to please everyone around you. Rather, pay more attention to those relationships that are really important to you.

    Do not overload yourself: sleep 6-8 hours, eat well, exercise. Don't try to do everything in one day.

    Don't buy unnecessary things. This will save money and rid your home of junk. It would be nice to have some savings. Live within your means.

    Stop comparing yourself to others all the time. In this, envy is born, which can gradually destroy you.

    Maintain relationships with those people who are close to you in spirit and complement you, from whom you can learn something new, useful.

    Don't drink alcohol. It destroys a person physically and morally. Stress, you can’t relieve sadness, you will only deepen the state.

    Use the time correctly. Don't waste it on TV and computer games or social networks. Modern technologies designed to make your life easier. Spend some time learning ways to save time. It pays off.

    Get rid of the habit of telling lies, even small ones. Honesty in relationships and communication is paramount and is always highly valued.

    Try to speak warm, loving, affectionate words to your family more often.

    If you are going on a trip, then take things to a minimum and only what is necessary.

    Try to clean up after yourself, do not accumulate everything for one day. Don't put off cleaning. Learn to do it right away, it's easier that way.

    Smiling at least sometimes is absolutely necessary for a good mood.

    Eat when you are really hungry. Drink more water throughout the day. We often confuse hunger with thirst. If you are thirsty, drink plain water, not tea. Coffee, juice or soda.

    Spend half an hour a day exercising. Walk in the mornings or evenings on foot. This will keep your body in shape.

    Don't worry about or without it. If something is not working right now, beyond your power, just wait until the time comes to change. Concentrate on what you can do.

    Learn something new, study, improve.

    Make your wildest desires and dreams come true. Don't be afraid of what others will say. Set a goal and move towards it. Do not take on the fulfillment of someone's desires and dreams.

    Remember, everything in this life changes and passes. Nothing lasts forever. Accept this as a fact in all life situations.

    Everyone can make mistakes, including you. Don't beat yourself up for mistakes. We only grow on them. Correct and move only forward.

    Have a flexible opinion, even if you are right, don't force others to accept that you are right. Let everyone have personal opinion. Try to refrain from controversy.

    Don't be stingy with thanking people for helping you.

    Improve, grow, evolve. But don't forget your true nature. Ease and simplicity in everything.

If you are sitting while reading this article, try standing up or lying down on the couch and lifting your legs up. Look, you just did some exercises! You can make your life more active by simply becoming more "attentive" - ​​even if you have a physical disability or health condition that does not allow you to play sports. In fact, many health problems disappear when we increase our physical activity. We can normalize blood sugar levels, improve flexibility and balance, lower arterial pressure making your life more active.


    First ask yourself:"Why do I want to make my life more active?" Physical activity burns calories, but that doesn't have to be your primary goal. To increase your motivation and keep moving forward, think carefully about the reasons why you want to bring more activity into your life. Perhaps you want to become more flexible, improve balance or hand-eye coordination. Physical activity helps in regulating your digestive system. Most likely, by making your life more active, you will tone and strengthen your muscles, thereby feeling stronger and more capable. Increased activity improves blood flow to the brain. Your head will clear up already from the fact that you quickly run down the corridor or walk around the block. Bring more activity into your life and it will help reduce stress. Physical activity helps to calm an overactive mind, stimulates the creative activity of the brain. Therefore, by making your life more active, you will solve many problems or even be able to design an improved version of the mousetrap. In addition, you can diversify your public life. When you are on the go, other people are attracted to you. They want to join you on a walk, dance, exercise, or gardening project.

    Understand the basic principles of an active life.

    • If you can reach the desired item without moving, there will be no physical activity here. Therefore, you need to move as far or as high as possible what you want to take, so that you have to make some effort. For example, move the remote control away from the TV, leave the car at the very edge of the parking lot and choose the bank that is faster on foot than by car.
    • While driving, you should feel good. If you're in pain, you won't do it. If you anticipate that you might be uncomfortable or uncomfortable in some way, you probably won't even try. For example, many people refuse exercise, because they do not like to sweat, or they feel ashamed in front of others because of their sweat smell.
    • Some activities are much more interesting and more enjoyable than others. Determine your preferences and plan all activities around them. Running on the treadmill will be easier if you can watch the news or watch your favorite cooking show. Birdwatching might prompt you to hike to an eagle's nest or kayak along a river mouth in search of waders.
    • The "threat factor" should be lowered. This fear can be caused by the inevitable cost of the activity, the cost of time, money or energy. Some people skip workouts gym because they think they should wear fashionable sportswear or pay an expensive membership. Others stop going for a walk with the dog because the work is full of projects. If you're out of shape, the first few days or weeks can completely drain you. But the real reward comes a little later, when you find that the extra activity has reduced your waistline, actually increased your energy, and made walking a lot easier.
    • An active person tends to lead active image life, so don't just think or talk about it. The first step is always the hardest.
    • If you connect your activity with something or someone pleasant, the probability that you will be engaged in the intended business immediately increases several times. Prepare yourself something wonderful at the end of each burst of activity. Why not start pet? Dogs, cats, and rabbits are some of the pets that will definitely require you to be more active around them.
    • Be mindful of the natural rhythms and cycles of your body. The time of day you choose to exercise should depend to some extent on other biological needs such as sleep, food intake, and sex drive.
    • Determine exactly when you are active and write down all the details (day of the week, time of day, location, conditions, and what happened just before or after your activity). Try to increase the load even more or somehow diversify your activities when possible. Also, make notes about when you are "lounging around" on the couch.
    • Notice if your activity level changes when you're around certain people. For example, parents might enjoy riding bikes with their kids, or you might be willing to forgo dancing classes to watch TV with your new couch potato husband.
    • Wherever and whenever you work, try to increase your activity level. Night shift workers are more likely to suffer from serious digestive disorders and often gain overweight. Office workers are notorious for physical inactivity. Employees whose employers approve irregular breaks and allow their employees to take the stairs when they go on business to other departments are in good physical shape.
    • Look for opportunities to increase your level of activity in your Everyday life. Place your cast iron cookware on the lowest shelves in your kitchen cabinets. Pull out weeds instead of using poison. Wash your car by hand. Add variety to those household chores that you constantly do. Knead the dough and mix the meat for cutlets with your hands.
  1. Take these principles as a basis and develop your own personal plan actions. Review step 2 again, then write down two or three ideas for each principle that fit your current lifestyle. You don't have to fit in with someone else or wear yourself out to qualify for the Olympics. It's much easier to achieve and stick with small changes. With small changes, "learning without error" is characteristic, you can avoid the heavy consequences of trying to get too much in too short a time, while you get a sense of success and tangible achievements quite quickly.

    Write a reasonable goal for each idea on the list. These should be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound goals. For example: "I'll give up my handy kitchen gadgets and my "on the go" food trips." This means juicing oranges by hand, using a manual can opener, mixing ingredients with a spoon, grinding spices, and chopping vegetables by hand. "Set the table and wash dishes by hand. At least 5 days out of 7, prepare food with simple ingredients, not processed foods. And I will continue to do this for at least 3 weeks so that everything becomes a habit."

    Now group your goals by placing (for example, activities that need to be done inside a building or on fresh air, winter or summer activities, activities related to work or home) and scheduling them on your calendar by date, taking into account the time you have allotted for each goal.

    Keep a diary to track your progress. Determine the time and estimated costs for each of the tasks, and then write down the actual results. Review your projections and identify achievements. The more noticeable, the better. Don't be afraid to mark your progress on the My Progress Chart or reward yourself with Ribbons and Achievement Tokens. Celebrate every time you have the new kind activity!

  2. Share your success with a friend. If you are a brave person, go public and share your accomplishments on Facebook or Twitter. The support of others will help you keep moving towards a more active life.

    • Some activities are better suited to athletes or require special physical training. Contact your medical institution to get professional advice before starting new activities and to know in advance what kind of physical activity will be, what safety rules to follow, what equipment may be required, and what schedule is best for the chosen activity.
    • Listen to your body. If you're in pain, you don't have to "twist". Pain is a signal. Get the best professional medical advice to find out what is causing your pain.
    • Avoid extreme sports. Your active life won't last long if you're climbing mountains without a harness or trying to ski in a snow storm.
    • Avoid quirky activities that don't fit your inner world. Do what you are most likely to continue doing for the rest of your life. It takes at least 21 days to form a habit and about a month to stick with it.
    • Vary activities so that all muscle groups receive physical activity; rotate exercises to keep them interesting, but at the same time give some muscle groups a "rest".
    • If you exhaust yourself, it will only reduce your activity or cause you to stop, often due to injury. Remember the popular football player with your high school who lived the rest of his life lounging on a couch because he had already "contributed"? Or the athlete who sprained his knee and was forced to give up his sports career?
    • Don't let others convince you. Sometimes when a person achieves positive change, it causes fear and envy in others. They may feel competitive or unconsciously compare themselves to you, feel anxious or guilty, because they themselves are not as active as you. This can lead to the "reverse" effect.

Even the longest journey starts with one step

Surely each of you wants to change your life for the better in some way. Unfortunately, far from everyone succeeds in accomplishing this resolutely and irrevocably, but there is a way out. Start by changing your small routine bad habits and gradually realize that moving in the right direction is not so difficult and scary - you just need to take these small steps regularly.

Professor B.J. Fogg, founder and director of the Motivational Technology Laboratory at Stanford University, has devoted much research to development in humans. useful skills that help them radically change their lifestyle. Use his method, start small and after a while you will notice that big changes have taken place in your life.

How to improve physical health

1. Often we are so busy during the day that we do not think about supplying the body with sufficient water, finding time only for a tea or coffee break. Make it a rule to start each morning with a glass of water, which helps maintain water balance the body is normal and helps to eliminate toxins.

2. Move as much as possible, don't limit your daily route to home-car-work-car-home. Regular walks in the fresh air can bring you more benefits than exhausting workouts in the gym after long hours spent in front of the computer.

3. Eat with every meal raw vegetables or fruit. Lettuce, melon slices, cucumbers, carrots, various berries - the scope for imagination is almost unlimited. Fruit and vegetable snacks enrich the diet nutrients, help to save energy during the day, reduce the feeling of hunger and thus prevent you from overeating, helping to get rid of excess weight.

4. Prolonged continuous sitting in front of the monitor adversely affects your mental, physical and emotional state, so you need to take regular breaks. It's very simple - set hourly reminders on your gadget or computer, and as soon as you hear a beep, stop working. Get up, take a deep breath, stretch your muscles - repeat the gymnastics every hour and you will feel great, as well as cheerful throughout the working day.

5. Take a small bag of nuts or some other light, protein-rich food with you everywhere. This will help prevent bouts of hunger when you are ready to, as they say, “starve a worm” with the first snack that comes across, regardless of the number of calories contained in it. By supplementing your diet with high-protein foods, you will improve your metabolism and promote muscle growth.

How to improve your mental state

1. When communicating, try to ask the interlocutor open-ended questions that require detailed answers, and not monosyllabic “yes” or “no”. Start your questions with phrases like: “What do you think about…?”, “How would you…?” or, for example, “What is your experience with…?”. Questions like these increase the effectiveness of communication, make the conversation more meaningful, and open up many avenues for its development. By listening carefully to the interlocutors, you will surely learn a lot useful information Plus, you can make new friends this way.

2. If you enjoy being creative, keep all your art supplies close at hand. Do not painfully squeeze out of yourself the desire to devote hours, for example, to drawing - just grab pencils or paints as soon as you feel inspired. Even better, keep experimenting with artistic means- draw with colored crayons for a week, watercolors for another week, devote the next to wood carving, then start mastering clay modeling and so on.

3. Every day, take the time to sit for a few minutes in complete silence, doing nothing. This is not meditation - it is not necessary to take the lotus position and close your eyes, trying to listen to the sound of the chakras or comprehend the elusive zen. Just sit quietly in a comfortable position, breathing slowly and letting your thoughts take their course.

4. At the end of the day, write down your thoughts and impressions - this is the easiest way to unload the brain from the mass of information received. Regularly making such records is much easier than keeping a diary or compiling detailed lists what you need to do. Let the records be chaotic, without a certain structure and format - do not try to show off your literary talent, editing every phrase over and over again, just fix the stream of consciousness. According to some studies, this practice helps to cope with anxiety and reduces the risk of developing depression. Alternatively, you can record your monologues on a voice recorder.

5. Come up with something like a simple, easy-to-remember mantra and repeat it to yourself in moments of stress and emotional tension. The phrase should soothe and remind you of things that are important to you. Often, in stressful situations our brain does not help us, but interferes, jumping from one to another and causing us to panic. The "spell" will help organize thoughts and focus on solving the problem. Here are the most common examples of such “mantras”: “All this will pass”, “I am stronger than I think”, “I have been worse”, “I am not alone” - choose the one you like, or compose something original.

How to increase labor productivity

1. Find a role model in the area professional activity. While working hard on a complex task, an important business meeting or after a promotion that requires you to rethink your professional skills, ask yourself - how would this person behave in your place? Would he give up and freak out? Or would he be a model of calmness and confidence? Then imagine what you think you are most likely to do. Comparing the two behaviors will help you get rid of the uncertainty of the situation and self-doubt.

2. Before leaving workplace, spend five minutes making a list of tasks that you had to solve during the working day. Note what is done and what is not, and what circumstances prevented you from carrying out your plans. Do not blame yourself for mistakes, try to dispassionately understand what caused the mistakes. Pay attention to how much you have done, focus on the positive. By identifying the barriers to productivity, you can avoid them in the future.

3. Turn off various notifications computer programs and services for communication, put gadgets away. Try not to let anything distract you from work every day for at least a few hours. To switch from one task to another, the brain has to spend energy and time. Being constantly distracted by messages, such as email, or social networks(including - to completely useless spam), you can lose up to 40% of your working time - reading advertising messages offering to "increase something in just five sessions" and chatting with friends about the weather is better to do at your leisure.

4. To various invitations and offers of friends and acquaintances to spend time in one way or another, answer: “I will look at my schedule and think” - do not immediately agree or refuse. If you immediately say “no”, there is a risk of eventually remaining without friends at all, but if you agree to everything, you can simply physically and emotionally overload yourself. Calmly evaluate each pastime, weigh the pros and cons, check the schedule of already planned activities, and only then give an answer.

5. Spend at least five minutes a day thinking about the steps that will help you achieve your career goals - this is one of the right types of positive visualization. Visualizing the end result is usually completely useless in achieving it, and imagining the specific actions that you should take (and, of course, putting them into practice) will bring you closer to your goal.

How to build relationships with loved ones

1. Contact at least one family member or friend every day. It's easier than ever to stay in touch these days, but often we only communicate regularly with work colleagues or a few "friends" from social networks. Do not wait for calls and messages from relatives, take the initiative, call or write yourself. It only takes a few minutes a day and after a while you will notice that your social circle has expanded noticeably.

2. Once a week, write a thank you note to someone you feel has been a positive influence on you. May you never back the dense friendly relations with this person, or he has long ceased to be a part of your life, if you have something to say “thank you” to him, be sure to use it. By cultivating the ability to be grateful and grateful, you get rid of unnecessary fears and worries and thus fill your own and others' lives with positive emotions.

3. End the day by expressing gratitude or encouragement to your significant other. Feel free to once again remind your sweetheart or lover that you appreciate and love him (or her) - this simple habit can change your relationship for the better. You don’t need complex and long phrases, it’s enough to say “I’m happy that we are together” or “Thank you for being you.” If you're not dating anyone at the moment, give thanks and encourage yourself, even if your day isn't great. Sounds stupid? Perhaps, but encouraging yourself will keep you from slipping into depression over some minor annoyance.

4. When talking, before answering the interlocutor and even more so objecting to him, take a short pause to think about what he said and your reaction. Train yourself to listen carefully, do not start thinking about your arguments while the person is still talking. In this way, you show your respect and make it clear that his opinion for you is not an empty phrase. Pause gives you the opportunity to weigh everything. possible consequences your reaction and choose the right phrases. If communication takes place in raised tones, after only five seconds, you can refrain from merciless barbs that would spoil the relationship with the interlocutor forever.

5. Let's take a break from humanity. Your life is full of emotions, including negative ones: irritation, disappointment, anger, tension - being captured by a storm of passions, you lose the ability to think clearly and look to the future with optimism. Feeling emotions is normal, but sometimes you need to arrange a kind of time-out - as one commercial said: "And let the whole world wait." Go for a walk, turn on your favorite music, fold a dozen paper cranes, and finally lock yourself up in your room and be alone. Find your own way to distract yourself and use it when you feel that the degree of negative emotions is going through the roof.

How to Benefit the Environment and Society

1. From time to time make a walk around the neighborhood of your house with a trash bag and collect garbage. This ritual will increase your environmental awareness and can have an amazing effect on your occupants. It is likely that, having seen your concern, the rest will begin to be much more attentive to the sanitary condition of the landings and the territory adjacent to the entrance. By your example, show everyone that you care about the state of at least the nearest one to you. environment important and necessary. If you want to change the world, start with your own backyard.

2. Be nice to your neighbors. Instead of a fleeting smile or nod, exchange a few friendly phrases with them, or at least say hello. Try to create an atmosphere in the house, if not friendship, then at least benevolence. For example, when meeting with retired neighbors on the way to the store, inquire about their health, ask if they need to buy something. Most likely, they will respond to your care with sincere gratitude and will surely repay you with kindness - for example, they will agree to help with the housework or look after the child when you urgently need to leave on business.

3. Before buying any expensive household appliances or a gadget, try to borrow a similar thing from one of your friends, of course, if there is such an opportunity. Probably, after using a fancy coffee machine for a couple of weeks, for example, you will discover that coffee brewed in a Turk is much tastier. Thus, you will save money and relieve yourself of some responsibility for the thoughtless consumption of fashion trinkets, the production of which releases a lot of harmful substances into the atmosphere of our planet. If you realize that you still absolutely need such a thing, take a look at the supported copies - fortunately, now this can be done via the Internet, without pushing for hours at flea markets.

4. Set aside money for charity. Let it be small amounts - the main thing is to do it regularly. If you transfer one hundred rubles from each salary to charitable accounts, you are unlikely to get poorer, and if you can convince your friends and acquaintances to do the same, then the total amount of money directed to the treatment of seriously ill children or to help poor families can grow to impressive size. Remember - we are all members of one big human family.