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Eight tips on how to live a happy life. When you start living on your own. What you need to know

In order to be happy, many people think that you need to work hard and study hard. But this is absolutely not the case, for this it is important to find inner harmony with oneself and the world around. How your life will turn out, everything depends only on you, and not on other people and circumstances. There are several tips on how to learn to live happily.

Be grateful

Often those people who are completely unable to appreciate what they already have are unhappy. Learn to be grateful to everyone and everything around you. After all, happiness, in the first place, does not lie in beautiful house and wealth, but in the people who give it to you. Always thank fate for your parents, soulmates, children, friends and relatives.

Be sure to give thanks for everything that you have achieved in life, for success in school, work, sports and other things that are very important to you, even for very small victories. The more you thank your life, the more pleasant surprises it will give you.

Gain confidence

If a person has low self-esteem and he does not feel the possibilities, he feels hurt, weak and helpless. Such individuals cannot fully enjoy happiness. Because of their cowardice and inaction, they miss important points in life, which may not be in the future. You need to radically change yourself and your thinking. Stop comparing yourself to others, they are no better than you.

Each person has his own talents, you just need to find and reveal them. Do not be afraid to take action, even if nothing works out, this is not the end of the world, because every person makes mistakes, the main thing is not to dwell on them. Do not stand still, move forward stubbornly, trust your intuition and then you will achieve what you dream of.

Learn how to quickly get rid of nervous tension

At some point in life, each person on his way there are various problems which are sometimes hard to deal with. Troubles can be of a different nature, both at work and in personal life. A person is lost, begins to get nervous, which usually leads to stress and depression. As a result of all this, there are even more problems, your moral and physical health undermined, and various diseases appear.

To prevent this from happening, you should learn how to get rid of nervous tension. There are many options for this: walks in nature, going to the pool, to the gym, to the movies, doing hobbies or exercise Houses. You just need to choose which method is right for you. At such moments, it is important to discard all the troubles and enjoy everything that surrounds you, and then you will be happy.

Appreciate and cherish your loyal friends

Not many in life have true devoted friends, of course, everyone has comrades, acquaintances and close people. Something connects you with all of you, with some - work, with others - common interests, with others - wives and children. But it is very important to have those people who will always support you in difficult times, will rejoice at your achievements and will not betray you in any situation. Such people must be protected and thanked by fate for introducing you to them. But you should also not break ties with all your other comrades, appreciate them too, because on some path their help has been and will be useful to you.


Another step towards a happy life is human development. Many people live ordinary days in which absolutely nothing happens, they are in their own closed world. All this affects a person and sometimes leads to degradation. Time runs Our world is evolving and we are with it.

Do not sit in one place, start learning something new, unknown to you. Visit places in your city where you have not been yet, watch scientific and educational films, do something that is completely new for you, travel and get acquainted with interesting people Because happiness is all around us and within us. Learning to live happily is extremely necessary, because without it, all days are very similar to gray everyday life.

The right life ... What is it, who can say? How often do we hear this concept, however, in spite of everything, no one can answer for sure the question of how to live correctly. Nevertheless, this does not mean that you need to abandon yourself and your life and let everything take its course, not at all.

The following are the most common examples of "correctness" in our lives. They apply to everything: work, study, recreation, entertainment and even health. They are considered the most acceptable, and therefore correct. However, in spite of everything, everything in the world is relative, including our topic, so you should not completely and completely rely on the written “rules” and forget about the most important thing: life belongs to you, which means that only one person has the right to dispose of it. Human. You. No one else: neither the author whose advice you read, nor the TV presenter whose recommendations you watch, nor the parents who have to listen and enroll in an unloved specialty, for example. Your existence and how it will be tomorrow and in 10 years depends only on you.

Self-improvement and self-development

In childhood, a person learns something new every day. A sea of ​​new questions is spinning in my head, I want to know everything at once as soon as possible, starting with the name of a bird flying by and ending with the principles of the universe and the laws of physics. If a person is fed from childhood only with food, without including any information in the diet of growing up, and absolutely any information, then such a child will grow into a mentally retarded creature that has not formed as a person and is completely unable to live in society.

With age, the desire for knowledge fades. School starts to force you to study, and, unfortunately, people are arranged in such a way that the more they are forced, the more they resist. Not to mention the time after graduation. All the information has been received, and the person does not want to develop further, not understanding how important it is. In the absence of spiritual and physical development and without self-improvement of a person, thoughts in the style of “how to live right” are increasingly beginning to visit.

Right Thoughts

Thoughts are no less important than self-development. How a person thinks directly affects his life. And if he wonders how to live correctly and happily, then there is more negativity in his head, because otherwise, if everything suits him, he will not even think about this topic.

First, you need to filter your thoughts. As soon as you think about something bad, immediately try to switch to something much more positive. Over time, you will learn to see the positive even in the negative. This will affect your life in a good way. Yes, at first you will not notice the changes, but one day you will definitely understand that you feel better than before.

Secondly, think less about how to live correctly. You can get hung up on it, become paranoid in search of “that very” existence, and in the end you won’t notice how life was missed behind all these actions.

Third, dream. This will help to start a couple of large-scale ones and just develop your imagination.

Right lifestyle

How to learn to live properly without taking care of yourself and your body? No way. A person must take care of himself. This includes not only elementary things like brushing your teeth and regularly changing your underwear.

Charging, jogging, light exercises or something else like that - all this the body needs no less than water or food, it's just not expressed so clearly. At least in young age. In old age, the absence physical activity how it will affect. That is why it is recommended not to forget about your body, not only in terms of cleanliness, but also in other respects. or jogging, getting up and hanging out at a certain time, healthy diet how can smaller amount pleasant "harmful things" of life like cigarettes, alcohol ... The list can be continued for a very long time, but in general, everyone imagines what the "correct" way of life should be like.

Proper nutrition

A healthy diet can also tell you how to live right. True, not from a psychological point of view. This is more related to the previous point. It's just that food is so important that I had to take it out separately for better memorization.

Everyone is well aware of how many goodies are prepared for purchase in the store. Every time you see another harmful product the brain screams: “Buy! Buy it! And people buy, as if hypnotized, after which they regret what they did.

You need to eat right. At least those who think they are worthy good health and happy long life.

Right relationship with people

Some are interested in how to live properly with a husband, relatives, etc., because sometimes there are situations when it is completely incomprehensible how one can coexist in one room in peace and harmony with other people. Others want to know how to properly communicate with a stranger when there are no common topics for conversation, and it is awkward to be silent. Still others are interested in how to learn how to get to know people and how to behave on a first date. Fourth worries about how to find the right approach to all people.

4. Take care of yourself, your health, body and nutrition.

5. Communicate more.

6. Treat people the way you want to be treated.

7. Show less aggression towards others.

8. Learn to manifest positive traits your character and get rid of negative traits.

9. Love the people around you.

10. Be yourself.

Now you imagine how to live correctly and happily. Take action! Good luck to you!

For a person who has questions about the correctness of his life, you can not worry. This means that he has the baggage of moral and ethical values ​​that are accepted in the society in which he lives. And doubt is new stage the formation of a personality, a step of his spiritual growth.

All these values ​​do not suddenly fall on a person, like hail in the summer heat, they are laid down gradually and constantly, from the moment of birth and awareness of oneself as a person. Everything that people who educate a person say, how they act themselves, what they preach and what they condemn - all this forms the character and worldview, which subsequently guides a person in social life.

Doubts about self-importance and correctness of lifestyle

Each stage of moral maturation is accompanied by internal throwing, doubts about the correctness of one's way of life and one's own significance. This may be due to dissatisfaction with the results of the material or spiritual plan.

If the priority of values, as a result of education, is to achieve material well-being, then the desire to meet some standards that do not always meet their own ideas about correctness causes internal discomfort and a desire to change something in life.

It is important to let go of other people's expectations and allow yourself to live in accordance with your requests. Not trying to turn inside out in pursuit of enrichment or living according to someone else's instructions. You only need to listen to the inner voice of your own soul.

How to live in harmony with yourself

First of all, you need to love yourself exactly the way you are. Accept yourself in this world with all your weaknesses and actions. Do not feel a false sense of obligation to someone or moral duty, if you do not feel it internally.

Do not allow yourself to commit acts that go against your own conscience and for which it will be painful for your soul. Pangs of conscience can poison the life of the most prosperous person.

Learn to enjoy every hour of your life. Greet each new day with gratitude. Even if there is hard work in the name of daily existence. Many are deprived of this. One has only to imagine for a moment that there are people bedridden with illness and terribly lonely, it becomes many times more valuable and their own worries do not seem so burdensome.

If the question of how to live right does not give rest long time, it is worth visiting the church and getting acquainted with the basic commandments. Believers who live by these commandments do not suffer from this kind of doubt. They just know how to do the right thing so that life is joyful.

Do not do evil, do not offend the weak, honor parents - the postulates of a righteous (or correct) life. With mother's milk, a person absorbs the concepts of good and evil, of what is good or bad.

There is no need to discover new tricky moral rules, you just need to live according to the laws and customs that have been developed by generations in that society, in that country and in that nation, of which a person considers himself a part.

my desire to have better life been with me for as long as I can remember. But what people usually imagine as a “better life” at 20 is usually different from what they imagine 30 years later. At 20, this concept can be based on material things, and many believe that this is what makes people happier. But after a while, a “better life” is impossible without passion, love and laughter, which make a person happy. And material things take second place.

Even though our definition of what constitutes a "better life" may change over the course of a year, the steps we take to achieve it will not. The fact is that we must give up some of the things that prevent us from improving our lives.

The list of 15 things you should give up has no order. Only you can decide what is more important to you. In addition, if you really want to change your life, then you must clearly understand what exactly it should be. This will help you identify key points.

1. Stop making your life difficult

Complexity creates confusion and hides the solution from you. It is very difficult to be creative and innovative if you are stuck with problems and details. Complexity also prevents you from seeing the solution to the problem, even if it is in front of you.

2. Don't add stress to your life

If you're too busy, working on things you don't really need, striving for excellence, taking on even more responsibilities because you think you'll be appreciated more, you'll end up not having enough time to be yourself. Such stress is bad for your health and no need to quote all Scientific research to believe it. If you are constantly in stressful situation sooner or later it will kill you. Therefore, if you tend to create stress in your life yourself, then stop doing it. Try to find out exactly why you are prone to stress and change it.

3. Stop regretting what you have done in the past, what you have not achieved and what you have lost

The past is behind us, so it's more important where you are now and who you want to be in the future. All your past mistakes, failures and experiences have taught you to live your life in the present and future. Accept your past and what you have learned from it and allow yourself to move on.

4. Don't say you don't have enough time

Whether it's meeting a friend, visiting an elderly aunt, watching the sunset or sunrise, celebrating, reading a book or sleeping, you should cherish these moments because you never know how long you can enjoy them. With no time, you can miss all the most precious and beautiful moments in your life. Don't put off the important things you need to do just because you've convinced yourself that you don't have time for them.

5. Stop being afraid of your future, possible mistakes and changes in plans

Fear paralyzes, so you won't be able to make any changes in your life. It is your limiting beliefs that will control your thoughts and actions while feeding your fear. You have to deal with all these beliefs and find out why you are still afraid. Conquer your fear and take action, it will set you free.

6. Stop procrastinating on everything you want to do

Whether it's cooking classes, learning a second language, going back to university, writing a book, or taking art classes, just go and do it. Take a trip to Europe, join a gym, get rid of excess weight. Find out what is important to you and what will make you happy, and then go and do it.

7. Stop expecting happiness from others, it can only come from within.

When you look at others and expect someone to make you happy, it is a sign that you are not confident in yourself. This is very dangerous, because you can convince yourself that you only feel happy around the people you love. In fact, this is only part of the equation that will lead you to happiness. Only you can make yourself happy, so it is very important to understand what exactly you need for this.

8. Stop comparing yourself to others

Why is it so important? The fact is that this comparison will always not be in your favor, and you will feel miserable. If you are still comparing, then stop and think about how you can increase your self-confidence.

9. Stop waiting for the right moment

Don't wait for the "right time" to take action, make a change, leave your job, follow your dreams, and do what will make you happy and bring you that "better life." Right time will never come. If you decide to wait, then you will have to admit to yourself that life is passing you by, and you will never achieve what you want. If you stop waiting, you will get everything you want. Everything is very simple!

10. Stop running from problems and take the path of least resistance.

This is very easy to do. Hiding from problems or looking for the easiest way out of them. But the problem isn't going anywhere. She will chase you or wait at the finish line. Running away from problems or taking the easy option won't make you feel brave. Life is imperfect and full of problems, difficult and bad periods. All problems that you meet along the way should be considered. Sometimes you have to make bold and difficult decisions.

11. Stop spending time with people who take away your energy.

This is very difficult to manage, because in our life there are always people with whom communication is not always good for us. This is especially true at work, where you can't always choose who to hang out with. To stop spending time with the wrong people, you will need to develop a strategy for dealing with them. You must minimize the impact they have on your life. Relationships with such people are toxic to you and they can bring unhappiness into your life.

12. Stop thinking about things that shouldn't happen. Focus on what you would like

If you focus on what you don't want, it's a sign that you don't know what you need from life and you're not willing to make the necessary changes to improve it. You have no desire, no motivation, no vision for your future. So you start thinking about what could go wrong. You need to understand what you want, motivate yourself and make the necessary changes. It's simple, but it also takes work and perseverance.

13. Stop trying to be someone you are not. Ultimately, you will confuse yourself

Otherwise, you will start doing things that are contrary to your value system. After some time, you can even convince yourself that you did everything right, and you can justify any of your actions. But still, soon the feeling of discontent and unhappiness will rise to the surface, and you will have a choice - either ignore everything and continue to live with this feeling, or stop doing what you do not like. If you opt for the latter, your life will be better.

14. Stop putting other people's needs ahead of your own.

If you are still doing this, then you are not taking care of yourself and are playing the role of a martyr. This means that you will have to sacrifice yourself for the benefit of others, but this role is good only for those people who consciously made such a choice. But everyone can't be saints and that doesn't mean you bad person. Ask yourself why you are sacrificing your own needs. Perhaps the problem is that this is the only way you can feel loved.

15. Stop beating yourself up

Regardless of what you don't like about yourself - you are not perfect enough, smart, good enough, too fat or lazy - just stop and stop blaming yourself for all the qualities that seem unworthy to you.

"Get ready to change your goals,o never change your values"

We are all looking for ways and opportunities to realize our goals and desires. In fact, we are all striving for the same thing. It doesn’t matter who we are, where we were born, who our parents are, how old we are, whether we have an education and what gender we are, we want to wake up one day to be sure that our life is dear to us, that we love it, what is in front of us there is no question of how to live correctly, and we are satisfied with our lives. Everything we dreamed about is in our life.

And what we strive for, what is there in this life that we put together in puzzles, but are not always satisfied with the result, what it means to live beautifully, and how to achieve this, remains a mystery for most people. What do we want from life?


Of course, we all want to be healthy, and if one of us does not think about health yet, it is only because we have it. We know for sure that it is impossible to live beautifully if the morning begins with the fact that it is difficult for us to get out of bed.

Why do we think about health when it has already been shaken, why do we not consider it necessary to take care of it with early years? Why do we only then think about the question of how to live correctly in order to preserve our health longer, when it has already made itself felt?


Everyone chooses the amount of their material well-being. But we all know when well-being begins. When we can buy everything we want in the store, no matter what the price of our desires. When over time we do not know how much bread costs.

When we do not think where to get money in order to pay public utilities. When we can relax where we want, wear what we like. When we, going to bed, do not think about money. Indeed, for many, this is what it means to live beautifully. How to achieve financial independence?


Yes, not everyone aspires to become president, not everyone is tormented by ambition, but we treat our life and our environment with ambition. We want our children to ask for advice from us, not from their neighbors. We want our parents to be proud of us, not jealous of their friends, pointing out to us the success of their children.

The main thing is that we all dream of being successful and happy. And it is important for us that our work brings us pleasure and joy. We know that this is the only way we can live beautifully. But most of us still cannot find our cherished niche, torment ourselves in search or give up.

freedom of time

How many times do we hear that there is not enough time for anything. free time few can boast. But only it can give a chance to get something that cannot be lost or stolen.

Our emotions, knowledge, experience, communication, travel, personal and spiritual growth - we get all this only when there is enough time. How to live full life if there is not enough time even for the necessary things?

Few can say that they love their life, that everything they dreamed about came true. Most people are just thinking about how to make their lives better, they understand that everything is not as they would like, but they cannot find an answer to the question.

Our delusions

We ask a lot of questions, but we cannot find the right answers. But that doesn't mean they don't exist. Just a daily routine does not allow many to find a way out.

Work, family, wasting time waiting for transport or traffic jams, buying not always high-quality products in order to save money. You have to make it to paycheck somehow.

Behind workplace, even a low-paid one, must hold on, as it is difficult to find another job. And we tolerate unfair bosses, continuing to work for someone, but not for ourselves. We do not know how to create capital to solve the problem of how to make life better, although the solution is on the surface.

Fear of taking a rash step, fear of being judged by even unfamiliar people - all this prevents us from spreading our wings and becoming free. We are not looking for solutions to problems, we stand still and enjoy stories about our failures, in the hope of compassion.

But in order to figure out how to live better, you need not shake the air, do not waste time on stories and useless chatter on the phone, you need to act. It takes one step forward to start earning more so that dreams come true. What have we done to improve our lives?

Many believe that someone and something owes them, the government or the country. But no one owes anything to anyone, only ourselves. We must carry out our plans ourselves and move our lives in the direction we see fit.

We live by what we build. We are the only owners of our lives. We decide how to make life better. It makes no sense to stand in one place, we need to move forward and create life the way we want.

How to move towards the goal

For starters, make peace with your past, it has no power to corrupt the present and in no way determines the future. The future is created by your beliefs and actions, and only they will lead to a solution to the question of how to live correctly.

Development and knowledge

  1. Read kind and motivating literature, watch educational programs and films, find those activities that bring a lot of pleasure and do them if possible, if not, strive for it.
  2. Do not waste time watching meaningless TV shows and reading the “yellow press”, because such a pastime does not bring any benefit, there is no answer to the question: “how to live right”, and time is running out.
  3. Be grateful for everything you have already achieved. Constantly develop, learn something new, and find application of the acquired knowledge in practice. You can only be the reason.
  4. Wasting money on pleasure is a stupid thing to do, and it doesn't solve the question of how to live better, it only makes it worse. We must learn to enjoy even the smallest achievements.
  5. Don't waste time thinking. It is impossible to find answers to all the questions that have arisen, you just need to accept everything as it is.
  6. Give full freedom to your "I", be creative, be proud of yourself, be always confident in yourself. There is no mood - help someone, and simply, periodically try to help people.
  7. Do what you have long dreamed of, but for various reasons could not do it. Such actions will bring closer the solution of the question of how to make your life better.

Case Planning

  1. Plan your life constantly. Set yourself achievable, but a little overpriced. Be sure to set deadlines for achieving any goals. They should be real, but a little close.
  2. Be organized, do not try to complicate situations, try to perceive some events easier. Remember that you are one of the most fortunate people. Love yourself, but not to the point of insanity and not to, try to look good, take care of your health and support physical form, no matter your age, this is the question of how to start living for yourself.
  3. Optimism in a company with self-improvement is the path to health, improved appearance, professional development and personal qualities, respectively, and living standards.
  4. Unachieved goals are only your responsibility. No need to look for someone to blame for your problems.
  5. If your job is boring and not an important turning point in achieving your goals, you don't need it. This will only slow down or delay for a long time the solution of the question of how to make life better.
  6. Mentally imagine that your goals have already been achieved, imagine how you experience this. If there is no thrill and delight in the performance, then change the goals. This means that they are wrong and will not solve the question of how to live better.
  7. Failures occur - easily forget about them, remember the victories that you got more often, those joyful feelings will help you achieve new goals.
  8. Rejoice in your failures as much as your achievements, because these are also steps, but with important lessons.
  9. Pass on your knowledge to other people. These are not only good deeds, but also a great practice for you. paired with love for loved ones give excellent results.
  10. Do not give up, even when strength and patience run out. Endurance is at the forefront of patience. This is important qualities in order to bring closer the solution of the question of how to live well. Difficult - ask for help from people close to you, but do not abuse it.
  11. Learn to forgive people with whom you were angry or even considered your enemies. Time heals, scars make us who we are, they define our lives and explain why we are the way we are.
  12. The goal is to be strong. It didn't kill, so it made it stronger. Learn to accept mistakes and failures. There are no people who have not been let down and deceived. With grief and past grievances, it is difficult to decide how to live well.
  13. Do not let yourself be controlled, no circumstances should interfere with your chosen path. Not everyone thinks the same way, other people's advice can make you doubt the correctness of the decision. Heart and intuition can give the most best advice and suggest how to live correctly.

Any problems are temporary, you can always find a way out of adverse situations. It doesn't matter what others think. What matters is what you think and do. Not the best choice to compare your life with others. No one knows what the path of those people is. If you close your eyes to your problems and see the problems of other people, then your life may seem beautiful.

Do not pretend and do not put on masks, sincerity allows you to quickly resolve the issue of how to make your life better. Honesty with yourself and others important element in character. Even if your honesty is not publicly recognized, it is still highly valued. You need to believe in kindness, people have different qualities, but kindness attracts like a magnet.

Doubt and procrastination

Do not doubt yourself, it prevents you from achieving your goals. Many questions need understanding, you need to persistently seek the answer to them.

Sometimes we look for answers to unnecessary questions. For example, why a neighbor was able to achieve prosperity, why we do not have as much intelligence as our colleagues, why we were born in this country, and not on a more developed continent.

These questions are not worth your time. Those who want to change their lives are looking for ways to achieve a better life, and do not delve into the causes of problems.

You shouldn't judge other people. And if we judge, then only by deeds and deeds, and not by appearance and car make. Learn to sincerely praise the virtues of others. No need to envy anyone - it means not respecting yourself.

Slowness or postponing the solution of issues takes precious minutes of life. Ask yourself more often if you really want what you want.

Don't blame anyone for your failures - it's a stupid choice. Nobody is to blame for your problems. It was your choice to go that route. Aspirations to change circumstances will not be able to solve the question of how to make your life better, change yourself more effectively.

Expectations and hopes

The expectation of a new life is equal to its non-appearance. There is no time when it gets better. It should be right now. Do not look for those who would take care of you or think, think for yourself. Worrying about what others think takes away precious freedom.

Throw away all doubts, surround yourself with those people with whom you are interested, try to exclude from your environment those who oppress you, including skeptics. This will help you understand how to organize your life.

It is impossible to embrace all the problems of the world, if everyone can accept and solve their problems with a smile, then life will be beautiful. You also need to be able to smile, as there is a chance to seem like an idiot.

And believe in yourself and your strengths. There are goals and desires, which means that you need to go towards them without a doubt. Get ready for difficulties. Even optimism does not guarantee the absence of problems, but it is easier to solve them with optimism. Strive to be valuable and useful. This solves the question of how to live right.

Spend the weekend with your loved ones, strengthen relationships with family and friends. Do not forget to dream big and global. Dreams are useful for any age, and you will no longer wonder: "how to improve life." She has already become beautiful, you are already on the way to achieving your goals.